We have a select group of Italian Greyhounds here at About Time. Our IG breeding program is small but carefully planned with key points in mind. Health, temperament, gait, and conformation are all part of the package, but not everything. The finishing touch which brings everything together is that bold and outgoing personality that immediately marks our Italian Greyhound dogs and pups from the moment you meet them. Their family friendly and "tiny-but-brave-and-fearless" Iggy attitudes are one of the things that make an About Time Italian Greyhound so unique.
While many will tell you the Italian Greyhound breed is timid and shy by nature, and numerous IGs you happen to meet may back this up, our dogs are a bit different in that area. (Once you meet one, we think you'll agree - different is good!) As Italian Greyhound Breeders, our philosophy is that a correctly bred IG, raised and socialized responsibly, will be a loving family companion, lay in your lap, play with your children, lay claim the sunny spot on the couch, show in conformation or agility events, and will confidently perform in whichever areas you chose. We are proud of the About Time Italian Greyhounds that are currently heading for agility and show rings across the states. At the same time we are even more proud of the About Time IGs that are stable loving companions in family homes, bringing love, joy, companionship, and a splash of iggy happiness to their families.

Bred with Care. Raised with Love. Sold with Pride.

In researching the Italian Greyhound breed today, you will find various types of dogs that differ quite noticeably from each other in type, temperament, size, and build. As to our breeding of "About Time" Italian Greyhounds, I will quote a well respected Arabian breeder who said, "If you are not clear as to what you want, it is much more difficult to produce the horse you will like."
As Italian Greyhound breeders, we have spent countless hours researcing the IG breed, type, pedigrees, and standard. As we have narrowed our selections to our breeding decisions, we have begun to find ourselves refining what we want to produce in the type of our own preference. Certainly, every IG breeder has their preferred ideal dog, as we have ours. The characteristics we breed toward are for a stylish and elegant Italian Greyhound, with a vibrant outgoing and confident temperament, and a spirited yet affectionate, family friendly personality. We breed to produce a refined and typey IG, with dynamic action in a small package. A graceful dog with an elegant build and tucked up waist complimented by a deep and well defined chest, a delicate and chiseld head with large expressive eyes, a well angulated shoulder and hindquarters allowing for an expressive gait, an overall balanced and athletic build, and an energetic and full-of-life attitude. Our ideal is a beautiful, fit, athletic, and agile Italian Greyhound: spirited yet poised, small yet graceful, well muscled yet streamlined, and not thick or overly large in size. Our ideal size range is at the smaller end of the breed standard, from 13-14 inches at the shoulders, and about 10 to 13 lbs. Some will find this smaller than the "average" IG in comparison which can often be found up to 17-18 inches and almost reaching 20 lbs. Our ideal combines the correct Italian Greyhound confirmation and all the animation and form of the larger dogs in a perfect lap size Iggy package.
We consistently produce an exceptionally outgoing and confident temperament; an Italian Greyhound with the self-assurance to meet life's adventures with you head on, the stability to be trusted as a child's companion, and the adoration that is always seeking an opportunity for cuddle in your lap and a spot under the covers at the end of the day.
About Time Italian Greyhound puppies share consistent traits. They are energetic, observant, playful puppies, who mature into alert affectionate adults with that amazing About Time Personality: Both confident and sensitive, independent yet adoring, intelligent and mischievous (and smart enough to often get away with it), loyal, faithful, and completely, totally, undeniably, devoted to their "family".
About Time Italian Greyhounds live in our yard & home, and our puppies are raised in our homes, underfoot, with lots of love, attention, interaction, and extensive socialization. We carefully place show and companion puppies in responsible homes across the US, and a growing number of About Time IGs are gracing International homes with their presence as well. We have been involved in breeding purebred dogs for more than 16 years, the last 8 in IGs. We stand behind our IGs, providing a written 5 year health guarantee with every About Time Italian Greyhound we place, lifetime support and advice to our extended families, and we unconditionally guarantee a Home for Life for EVERY dog we produce in addition to being active in IG rescue as well.
We welcome you to browse our ever-growing website to learn more about our dogs and the Italian Greyhound breed. You will find we have taken the time to provide a wealth of photos, information, and resources to help you better get to know us and learn about these amazing dogs.
In a world of ordinary and conventional, only the most distinctive will ever leave a truly lasting impression.

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